Steps to Remodel Your Basement for Safety and Style

Basement Remodeling

You might be considering a basement remodel in order to reclaim underutilized space or resolve problematic issues. Be aware that basements can have unique requirements with regard to building codes and safety considerations. You may want to hire an experienced service rather than attempting to remodel your own basement. Here are several ways that skilled contractors can help you safely achieve your design goals.


Address Moisture Issues

Moisture is a frequent source of basement woes. If you are experiencing leaks or dampness, you should probably have a professional assess the problem. Grade soil away from the foundation and consider having diverters installed to deposit gutter drainage further away from the base of your house. It may be possible to reduce dampness by insulating pipes or installing vapor barriers to control condensation. You might also want to have joists and frames probed for rot or insect damage. If you notice any cracks wider than a pencil, you should definitely consider contacting a specialist.


Complete Electrical or Plumbing Work

Electrical or plumbing work during a basement remodel can require expert installation and inspection. Once completed, you have options for concealing these necessary features. You might consider drop or hung ceilings with removable panels for easy repairs, but keep in mind that you should allow approximately seven feet of clearance in order to comply with building codes.


Maintain Safety Standards

Basement specialists can help to ensure that newly remodeled spaces are safe for habitation. This might involve checking fuel-burning equipment and ventilation systems to prevent carbon monoxide from building up. It is also important to keep areas around HVAC units or water heaters clear to permit easy access for repairs.


As you prepare to start a basement remodel, look for contractors with extensive experience making home improvements below-grade. Homeowners may benefit from the advice and installation skills of experts that specialize in remodeling.